Interactive NOAA storm data explorer

Kelvin Han

The application

The Interactive NOAA data explorer is available at

This application enables the user to select inputs and presents the output on an interactive map or on a table.

The data

The data is from the US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) storm database.

The dataset is available at

A peek at the Post-Processed Data

##    YEAR STATE EventName FATALITIES INJURIES propDmgValue cropDmgValue
## 1: 1950    AL   Tornado          0       15        27500            0
## 2: 1950    AR   Tornado          2       49       860030            0
## 3: 1950    CO   Tornado          0        1        50000            0
## 4: 1950    CT   Tornado          0        3       252500            0
## 5: 1950    FL   Tornado          0        0        82500            0
## 6: 1950    GA   Tornado          0        1        32500            0


This application uses Leaflet, an open-source JavaScript library, for the interactive map. More information is available at the link below.